Polypouch is very conscious of the impacts that the use of plastics poses on our environment. We are actively moving towards making all of our packaging recyclable by working with industry leaders to promote recycling of flexible packaging to local authorities over the next few years.
As members of both CEFLEX and PIRAP we fully embrace working towards creating a Circular Economy for flexible packaging and are actively trying to promote and increase the recycling of flexible plastics in both the UK and Europe.
Polypouches – Resource Efficient Flexible Packaging
Flexible packaging (pouches, crisp packets, single use films etc) is proven to be a resource efficient form of packaging for a wide variety of products, which would not be suitable for storing in naturally sourced alternatives such as cardboard and paper packaging. When comparing pouches with other forms of packaging, controlled research has shown that pouches are more environmentally friendly than steel cans, glass jars and plastic pots.